Chicago cellphone taxes highest in nation

By Robert Steere
Everywhere they look, Chicagoans see ads urging them to switch their cellphone service. One major provider urges customers to purchase a four-line family plan with all the texting, talking and data one could possibly use for only $100 per month. But the ad fails to mention that a Chicago family would actually have to pay...

TAGS: cell phone tax, taxes

Quinn passes the buck on cell-phone tax hike, Chicago cashes in

By Austin Berg
Back on June 6, Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn signed legislation authorizing Chicago city officials to enact a 56 percent per-line 911 fee hike. This measure gave the city of Chicago the authority to raise the city’s per-line 911 fee to $3.90 from the old fee of $2.50. It didn’t take long for Chicago City Council...

TAGS: cell phone tax, taxes