
Top 10 facts on labor policy in Illinois

Top 10 facts on labor policy in Illinois

Top 10 facts on labor policy in Illinois Unions are often presented as the plucky defenders of the working man or woman, whose only interest is seeing that workers get a fair shake on the job. But in reality, unions are well financed and powerful. And in government, at least, union influence goes beyond the...

Hinsdale school board poised to sign teacher contract full of pay raises … and the public has barely had a chance to see it

Hinsdale school board poised to sign teacher contract full of pay raises … and the public has barely had a chance to see it

The school board in Hinsdale Township High School District 86 is expected to approve a contract with the local teachers union this week, despite the fact that the school board refused to make the terms of this agreement available to the public. Luckily, on Oct. 19, the contract was obtained by the Illinois Policy Institute...

By Paul Kersey

Hinsdale district dispute highlights need for greater transparency

Hinsdale district dispute highlights need for greater transparency

For weeks, teachers in Hinsdale Township High School District 86 threatened to strike after contract negotiations went awry. But on Oct. 9, the union and district officials reached a deal. A strike was avoided, but at what cost? Hinsdale taxpayers won’t find out until after the ink is dry on the new contract because of...

By Paul Kersey

Hinsdale district dispute highlights need for greater transparency

Hinsdale district dispute highlights need for greater transparency

For weeks, teachers in Hinsdale Township High School District 86 threatened to strike after contract negotiations went awry. But on Oct. 9, the union and district officials reached a deal. A strike was avoided, but at what cost? Hinsdale taxpayers won’t find out until after the ink is dry on the new contract because of...

By Paul Kersey

An introduction to Hudson rights

An introduction to Hudson rights

Hudson rights are important to Illinois government employees, because under state labor law unions are entitled to collect union dues – or their functional equivalent – from every worker they represent, even if the employee does not support the union. Hudson rights mitigate the harm done by forced dues, allowing workers to opt out of...

By Paul Kersey

IEA continues wasteful union spending

IEA continues wasteful union spending

The Illinois Education Association, or IEA, has gotten even more wasteful, according to new LM-2 spending reports filed with the U.S. Department of Labor. IEA has a history of being a very wasteful union. In my review of union spending, I went through IEA operations spending – money that went into representation, politics and lobbying,...

By Paul Kersey

Waukegan teachers strike puts union first

Waukegan teachers strike puts union first

Here’s what Waukegan High School student Kyra Lyons had to say to CBS Chicago on the subject of the Waukegan public-school teacher strike: “Neither of them are doing anything to help the students. It’s just about money and what they want.” Kyra is a perceptive young woman. The Lake County Federation of Teachers, which has...

By Paul Kersey

Illinois court rules state owes AFSCME workers

Illinois court rules state owes AFSCME workers

On Sept. 31, a panel of judges from an Illinois appellate court found that state employees were owed back pay under the contract between the state and Council 31 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, or AFSCME. This has set off celebrations at AFSCME, whose position all along was that the...

By Paul Kersey

5 reasons why anti-Right-to-Work study is flawed

5 reasons why anti-Right-to-Work study is flawed

A few weeks ago, Frank Manzo IV of the Illinois Economic Policy Institute teamed up with Robert Bruno from the University of Illinois Labor Education Program to release yet another demonstration of how sophisticated mathematical analysis can’t fix bad data. Their report, titled “Free Rider States: How Low-Wage Employment in Right to Work States is...

By Paul Kersey

School districts seek union advice on Institute FOIA requests

School districts seek union advice on Institute FOIA requests

Over the course of the summer, the Illinois Policy Institute has been attempting to assess how many teachers have made use of their Hudson rights – their legal right to prevent their dues from being used   for union politics – and how well Hudson rights are understood in Illinois public schools. Do teachers even know...

By Paul Kersey

Teachers begin exodus from unions in Michigan

Teachers begin exodus from unions in Michigan

After a year-long campaign by the nonpartisan Mackinac Center and other groups to inform Michigan’s teachers of their right to leave their union, around 5,000 teachers have decided to do so. But more than 100,000 teachers in the state remain under union control. And the Michigan Education Association, or MEA, is claiming victory for managing...

By Paul Kersey

Labor Day poll shows popular support for Right-to-Work laws

Labor Day poll shows popular support for Right-to-Work laws

As is their custom around Labor Day, the Gallup Organization has released a nationwide poll on attitudes toward labor unions. While a majority of Americans still approve of unions, their support is close to an all-time low. And support for Right-to-Work laws is strong. According to the Gallup poll, 71 percent of Americans would vote...

By Paul Kersey

Harris v. Quinn freed workers from paying for union political agenda

Harris v. Quinn freed workers from paying for union political agenda

The Illinois Policy Institute’s recent report on union spending focused on Illinois’ big, statewide public-sector unions, but there are lots of important locals that are misusing their members’ funds as well. One of the most interesting is Healthcare IL-IN, a Service Employees International Union, or SEIU, local that played a controversial role in organizing day-care...

By Paul Kersey