
Union waste and pay raises cost thousands of government workers their jobs

Union waste and pay raises cost thousands of government workers their jobs

Several of Illinois’ most influential government unions are wasting money on overhead and administrative costs. Workers aren’t getting their money’s worth for the dues they are forced to pay. But state-employee pay has more than doubled over the last decade or so, with lax attendance rules that actually reward workers for showing up late to work....

By Paul Kersey

Free to care

Free to care

Laura and Sandy are small business owners in downstate Illinois. Because they receive state aid to care for low-income children, Laura, Sandy and 50,000 other Illinois day-care providers like them were forced by the state to join a union and pay dues. But in June 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a groundbreaking ruling in...

Government-employee unions in Illinois waste their members’ dues

Government-employee unions in Illinois waste their members’ dues

Nearly all government employees are forced to pay money to a union as a condition of keeping their jobs. And it’s not cheap. The forced dues can reach as high as $1,000 per year in the case of Chicago public school teachers. Union officials can count on hundreds of millions of dollars a year in...

By Paul Kersey

Contract with top union yields big payouts for state workers

Contract with top union yields big payouts for state workers

Introduction It pays to work for state government. Compensation costs for state workers make up roughly one third of Illinois’ state budget. How much state workers are paid is largely decided by contracts with government employee unions, specifically Council 31 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. Since 2003, two consecutive Illinois governors – now disgraced former...

By Justin Hegy

Teachers can opt out of paying for union politics

Teachers can opt out of paying for union politics

As the start of a new school year approaches, Illinois teachers deserve to know their rights. That includes the right to join or not join a union, and the right to support or not support union politics as the political season in Illinois heats up. Teachers unions are one of the most powerful lobbying groups...

By Paul Kersey

National Employee Freedom Week tells workers about their options

National Employee Freedom Week tells workers about their options

Aug. 11 marks the start of National Employee Freedom Week, when nonprofit organizations in 44 states reach out to workers across the country to let them know they have choices when it comes to union membership. Even in states that do not have a Right-to-Work law, such as Illinois, workers don’t have to join a...

By Paul Kersey

Wisconsin Supreme Court upholds union reforms

Wisconsin Supreme Court upholds union reforms

The Statehouse was packed. Protestors crammed the building, chanting, pounding drums and marching around with signs. The historic Wisconsin state Capitol had become overrun with sleeping bags and activists. In some cases, lawmakers were harassed. Doctors diagnosed fake illnesses so protestors could be excused from work. The Senate Democratic caucus fled the state. Within days,...

By Paul Kersey

Harris v. Quinn detractors are missing the point

Harris v. Quinn detractors are missing the point

Since the U.S. Supreme Court issued its ruling in Harris v. Quinn, union supporters – including many politicians who have benefitted from union support themselves – have written articles and statements bemoaning the decision. These pieces have been notable for the things they don’t talk about: who the plaintiffs actually were and what the court...

By Paul Kersey

‘Lewis for mayor’ is a fundraising force to be reckoned with

‘Lewis for mayor’ is a fundraising force to be reckoned with

For years the left has complained about the influence that money has on politics. And almost without fail, they have focused on money held and used by private businesses. But money is money, whether it comes from companies or some other source, and it can be used to buy political influence, or political office, just...

By Paul Kersey

Harris v. Quinn aftermath: Respect the rule of law

Harris v. Quinn aftermath: Respect the rule of law

On June 30, the U.S. Supreme Court rendered its final decision in Harris v. Quinn. Justice Samuel Alito’s opinion, approved by a majority of the court, is the last word. There will be no further appeal. But there are still loose ends for the lawyers to tie up. The case of Harris v. Quinn will...

By Paul Kersey

State Rep. Durkin’s advocacy helps lead to historic ruling in Harris v. Quinn

State Rep. Durkin’s advocacy helps lead to historic ruling in Harris v. Quinn

This morning, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn was wrong to issue and enforce his 2009 executive order that forced the unionization of Illinoisans who are not state workers. This groundbreaking ruling on the Harris v. Quinn case asserts that state governments cannot force-unionize participants in state entitlement programs or force...

By Matt Paprocki

Victory: Harris v. Quinn

Victory: Harris v. Quinn

The U.S. Supreme Court has issued a groundbreaking ruling today on the case of Harris v. Quinn. The court’s ruling states that state governments cannot force-unionize participants in state entitlement programs or force them to pay union dues as a condition of receiving help from the state. The court’s 5-4 decision was in favor of the plaintiff...

By Paul Kersey

Harris v. Quinn: Everything you need to know

Harris v. Quinn: Everything you need to know

As early as tomorrow, the U.S. Supreme Court could announce its decision in the case Harris v. Quinn. Legal experts and unions across the country are closely watching this case because it could be a landmark decision on the issues of unionization and freedom of speech. The lead Plaintiff, Pam Harris, is a suburban Chicago...

By illinoispolicy

What’s at stake in Harris v. Quinn

What’s at stake in Harris v. Quinn

As early as today, the U.S. Supreme Court could announce its decision in the case Harris v. Quinn. Legal experts and unions across the country are watching closely as it could be a landmark decision on the issues of unionization and freedom of speech. The lead plaintiff, Pam Harris, is a suburban Chicago mom whose...

By Paul Kersey