Illinois’ comeback story starts here.

Chicago’s food-cart ban costs revenue, jobs

Chicago’s food-cart ban costs revenue, jobs

Chicago’s ban on food carts is costing the city jobs and revenue. The city has fallen behind its peers: Street vending from food carts is already legal in 23 of the 25 largest cities in the U.S. The Illinois Policy Institute conducted a survey of nearly 200 Chicago food-cart street vendors to assess the social...

By Michael Lucci, Hilary Gowins

Madigan and power

Madigan and power

In the history of the United States, no one has led a state legislative body longer than Mike Madigan.

By Scott Reeder

Claudia Perez

Claudia Perez

“The day arrived when a policeman told me, ‘Throw away all this trash. It’s worthless. It’s garbage.’ And I said, ‘How can you call food, garbage?’ I cried hard. They arrested me two times. The United States, they told me, is a different kind of place. And now look at how we’re being treated.” Claudia...