Illinois’ comeback story starts here.

Failure to override veto of SB 1229: Great win for taxpayers

Failure to override veto of SB 1229: Great win for taxpayers

The failure of the Illinois House of Representatives to override Gov. Bruce Rauner’s veto of Senate Bill 1229 represents a great win for taxpayers on two fronts. First, taxpayers’ voice in AFSCME negotiations was protected. The governor, not an unelected and unaccountable arbitrator, will set the terms of the next contract. But the failure of...

By John Tillman

Sprint to add over 1,000 jobs in Chicago

Sprint to add over 1,000 jobs in Chicago

Of the 1,050 new jobs announced, Sprint expects about half to be retail positions and the other half to be filled by wireless experts, network technicians and engineers.

By Amy Korte

Freedom, fairness for food carts in Chicago

Freedom, fairness for food carts in Chicago

On Sept. 24, 2015, Chicago City Council voted unanimously in favor of an ordinance to legalize food carts, giving thousands of street vendors across the city the freedom to make an honest living and opening the door for the next generation of culinary entrepreneurs.

By Hilary Gowins