Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel expressed little concern over Moody’s Investors Service’s announcement that it might downgrade Chicago’s already-junk-rated bonds over CPS budget problems.
Standard & Poor’s Rating Services revised Illinois’ credit outlook to “negative” from “developing” on July 23. Illinois’ current S&P rating is A-, the lowest of any state in the country. With this revision, S&P and the other major rating agency in the country, Moody’s Investors Service, are once again on the same page. Both companies...
Chicago’s recent triple-notch downgrade by Fitch Ratings is a stark reminder that Illinois’ inability to solve its pension crisis has consequences. Illinois has the lowest credit rating of all 50 states. In contrast, three of its neighbors have maintained their AAA rating from Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services. Illinois has suffered 13 downgrades from the...
Triple-notch credit downgrades for government entities are supposed to be rare. They normally happen only in response to major financial events, such as a sudden fiscal emergency. But Chicago just received its second triple-notch downgrade in just six months. And that spells trouble for Chicago taxpayers. Citing skyrocketing pension costs and a lack of meaningful...
The recent string of credit downgrades by Moody’s Investors Service should leave little doubt what the rating agency thinks of Illinois’ worsening fiscal crisis. For the past few years the state’s five state-run pension funds have garnered most of the negative attention in Illinois. Moody’s has already designated Illinois’ debt as the riskiest of any...
Chicago’s fiscal crisis just got worse. Last month, the city received a rare triple-notch downgrade from Moody’s Investors Service, to A3 from Aa3. Now, Chicago’s parent government, Cook County, has received a downgrade of its own. Moody’s Investors Service downgraded Cook County’s general obligation bond rating to A1 from Aa3 due to the county’s “growing...
This morning Illinois was forced to delay a $500 million bond sale essentially, borrowing $500 million to finance state government operations. The delay was due to a drop in lender confidence in Illinois credit worthiness.
After years of splurging with revenue boosted by temporary federal aid, future deficits over $5 billion await the Illinois state budget. It’s time Illinois state leaders learn from past mistakes and manage other people’s money responsibly.