Illinois’ broken pension system puts $100,000 a year or more into the hands of 62 former state lawmakers. It has paid more than $1 million to 94 of them.
The longtime House majority leader will benefit from a sweetener provision that grants massive pension spikes to career lawmakers after one year of retirement.
Illinois needs to begin an end to its pension crisis by expanding access to a standalone 401(k)-style plan to all government workers; the new proposal by the House GOP does not accomplish this.
Illinois state Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie has introduced a pension bill that is unfair to new and current workers, is potentially unconstitutional, bails out Chicago Public Schools’ pensions, and perpetuates Illinois’ broken pension system.
After years of splurging with revenue boosted by temporary federal aid, future deficits over $5 billion await the Illinois state budget. It’s time Illinois state leaders learn from past mistakes and manage other people’s money responsibly.