Study Guide: Chicago Teachers Union strike

Study Guide: Chicago Teachers Union strike

Institute Experts on the Chicago Teachers Union Strike A meditation on the Chicago Way The CTU strike has ended and a lot of people are asking: “what happened?” Five things you need to know about Chicago Public Schools Five critical facts to keep in mind during the CTU strike. Cheat Sheet: Chicago Public Schools A...

Institute Experts on the Chicago Teachers Union Strike

A meditation on the Chicago Way
The CTU strike has ended and a lot of people are asking: “what happened?”

Five things you need to know about Chicago Public Schools
Five critical facts to keep in mind during the CTU strike.

Cheat Sheet: Chicago Public Schools
A quick summary of CPS’ budget, average teacher salary, spending per student, teacher pensions and graduation rates.

Chicago Teachers Union demands huge raise on top of million-dollar pensions
Average cash value of a CPS teacher’s pension: $1.6 million. If you wanted to retire with the same benefits as a Chicago teacher, you would need $1.6 million in the bank.

Enough on teacher salaries. How much do teachers union bosses make?
A quick review of CTU documents reveals that 37 officials and employees of the Illinois Federation of Teachers earned over $100,000.

Charter school secrets the Chicago Teachers Union hopes you won’t find out
9 of the top 10 open-enrollment, non-selective high schools in Chicago are charter schools. CPS average salaries are at least 45 percent more than the average charter school salary in Chicago.

Been a long time since Rahm got rolled
Mayor Emanuel caves on teacher recalls and evaluations.

Average Chicago teacher scored below average high school students on the ACT
According to a 2008 study conducted by Southern Illinois University, the average Chicago Public School teacher scored a 19 on the ACT.

Top recipients of Chicago Teachers Union campaign contributions
Over the last two decades, IFT – Chicago Teachers Union, Local No. 1, has made more than 1,500 campaign contributions totaling nearly $10 million.

Chicago Teachers Union demands ignore the extent of Chicago’s pension crisis
By next school year, Chicago teacher retirement costs will consume nearly half of the education funding Chicago receives from the state.

Public school? Not for Chicago Teachers Union kids
39 percent of CPS teachers send their own children to private schools. Compared to the national average of just 12 percent.

Two inconvenient facts for Chicago Teachers Union: Higher pay, fewer hours
Chicago teachers are the highest paid in the nation when compared to the ten largest school districts. CPS also has the shortest school day, year in the nation.

Chicago Teachers Union: Unknown unkowns
Among the many problems created by Illinois’ labor law is the extent to which the bargaining process is opaque.

18 / 13: The solution to Mayor Emanuel’s Chicago Teachers Union problem
Rahm should increase student instructional time by 18 percent and cut teacher pay by 13 percent.

Chicago Public Schools teachers are overpaid
CPS teachers are paid, on average, 52 percent more than public school teachers in large cities in non-collective-bargaining states.

Institute CEO John Tillman’s statement regarding Chicago Teachers Union strike
Our CEO reacts to CTU’s strike announcement on Sunday, Sept. 10.

Pre-Strike Posts from Institute Experts

“We are Democrats”
Randi Weingarten, the head of the CTU’s parent union, the American Federation of Teachers, said, “…we need to find common ground and as Democrats we have to deal with each other.”

Scenes from Chicago Teachers Union Labor Day rally in Daley Plaza
Our team stopped by the CTU Labor Day rally and observed the crowd that was drawn to the union’s demonstration.

Chicago Teachers Union is all worked up with nowhere to go
As thousands of families throughout Chicago watched anxiously, the process of negotiating a collective bargaining agreement turned melodramatic at a Chicago Teachers Union Labor Day rally.

Remain calm when responding to Chicago Teachers Union’s strike notice
CTU issued a strike notice, which may tempt some Chicagoans to overreact.

Progressive income tax: Brought to you by Illinois unions
This plan would leave Illinois with one of the highest income tax rates in the country, increase Illinoisians tax bills by more than $8 billion.

Teacher retirement costs are stealing our kids’ future
Over the past five years, 71 cents from every new dollar set aside by state government for PK-12 education went to teacher retirement costs.

Rahm’s union problem
Government employee unions in Chicago and across the nation have driven up employee costs, and at the same time have failed to make sure that governments have socked away enough money to pay pension benefits.

Look who they have to deal with
CPS is staring at a shortfall of $1 billion. CTU has a solution: eliminate charters and get rid of TIFs.

Chicago Public Schools and Chicago Teachers Union salaries

Chicago Teacher Union bosses’ salaries
Big money CTU bosses make nearly three times the median teacher salary.

Chicago Public Schools administrator salaries
Top 100 administrator salaries for 2011 Chicago Public Schools

Chicago Public Schools employee position files
Chicago Public Schools provided the District’s full Employee Position File — which lists the names, job, titles, departments and salaries of all full-time CPS employees.

Chicago Public Schools proposals

Chicago Teachers Union: A short summary of the “tentative” agreement
Our director of labor policy provides a synopsis of the contract terms, based on documents provided by the CTU.

Chicago Teachers Union’s “wins” and “losses” in the CPS proposals
A summary provided by the Chicago Teachers Union of what they believe they “won” and “wanted to win but didn’t.”

Official statements from Chicago Teachers Union, Mayor Emanuel and Chicago Public Schools

Mayor Emanuel’s court filing to end Chicago Teachers Union strike
Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s court filing seeking a preliminary injunction to end CTU strike and force teachers back into the classroom.

Mayor Emanuel calls Chicago Teachers Union strike illegal; seeks court injunction
Rahm released a statement calling the CTU strike illegal and announced the filing of an injunction to force teachers back into the classroom.

Chicago Teachers Union House of Delegates votes to continue strike
Officers presented a 23-page document outlining the most important points of the agreement whose outline has been worked out between the two parties. The CTU ultimately voted to not suspend the strike.

Chicago Teachers Union strike bulletin: Recommended strike chants
Strike chants released to CTU members on Sept. 8, 2012.

Institute in the news

Chicago Tribune: Why Illinois is so broke
Institute CEO John Tillman and Director of Labor Policy Paul Kersey explore the role public sector unions have played in Illinois’ fiscal crisis.

NBC News: Biggest losers of Chicago’s teacher strike? The students
Institute Executive Vice President Kristina Rasmussen identifies the biggest losers of Chicago’s teacher strike.

Fox Business: Chicago teachers back to work
Institute CEO John Tillman appeared in-studio with Varney & Co. on Fox Business to discuss the agreement reached between the city and teachers.

Reuters: Tough tactics leave Emanuel bruised in fight with Chicago teachers
Institute CEO John Tillman offers his assessment of the CTU strike. Who’s the big winner in the fight between Rahm and Lewis?

CNN: To unions, Chicago is the next Wisconsin
Institute Senior Fellow Collin Hitt explains what’s at stake. It’s not about the kids. It’s not about results. It’s not even school choice. It’s jobs.

Fox Business: Chicago teachers strike continues
Institute CEO John Tillman joined Varney & Co. to discuss the CTU strike

Chicago Tribune’s John Kass: CPS kids would need vouchers to attend ‘unreal’ schools
Institute CEO John Tillman discussed the CTU strike with the Chicago Tribune’s John Kass.

ABC 7 News: Chicago Teachers Strike — How much should student growth factor into teacher evaluations
Institute CEO John Tillman appeared on ABC 7 News to discuss teacher evaluations.

Hoy: Cinco puntos críticos sobre la huelga de maestros
42 percent of CPS student population is Latino. The Institute wrote a Spanish language post for Hoy outlining the five critical points people need to know about the CTU strike.

HuffPost Live: Are unions getting in the way of education reform?
Institute CEO John Tillman joined a HuffPost Live panel to discuss the CTU strike.

Fox Business: How Chicago should handle the Chicago Teachers Union strike
Institute Executive Vice President Kristina Rasmussen joined Markets Now to discuss the Chicago teachers strike.

WTTW: What’s next for Chicago teachers and schools?
Institute CEO John Tillman joined a Chicago Tonight panel hosted by Carol Marin to discuss the the CTU strike.

WGN-TV: Chicago teachers strike
Institute Executive Vice President Kristina Rasmussen joined WGN-TV to discuss CTU’s decision to strike.

ABC 7 News: Contract talks between Chicago Teachers Union and Chicago Public Schools
Institute CEO John Tillman offers commentary on the negotiations between CTU and CPS

State Journal-Register: Union dues are a secret “union tax”
Institute Director of Labor Policy Paul Kersey writes about the river of dirty money flowing in Illinois.

Institute Media Alerts and Press Releases

Statement from Institute CEO John Tillman regarding Chicago teachers strike
John Tillman released a statement regarding news that the Chicago teachers strike would enter its second week.

Top 10 facts about the Chicago teachers strike
The Institute’s Top 10 facts about the Chicago Teachers Union strike

Chicago teachers walk the picket lines today, but retire with pension worth more than $1 million
Over the course of an average retirement, this teacher would collect more than $2.4 million in taxpayer-funded retirement money.

Four state lawmakers to file legislation to increase charters, opportunity scholarships
As Chicago Teachers Union members strike, hundreds of thousands of Chicago kids are on the street.

Chicago teachers enter third day of strike, and new data begs the question: Are average Chicago teachers overpaid?
Chicago teacher median salary of $71,000 has been an eye-opener across the nation

Illinois Policy Institute statement on Chicago Teachers Union strike
Institute CEO John Tillman released a statement immediately following the CTU strike announcement.
Institute Policy Research and Recommendations

Roadblock to Reform
How Illinois labor law empowers government unions at taxpayers’ expense

Playing Favorites
Education pension spending in Illinois favors wealthy, suburban schools

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