Sylvia Davis

Sylvia Davis

“Chicago has a curse on it.

“I’ve been praying to God: Please get me and my children out of this city. And you know what? A lot of folks at our church have moved to Indiana. A lot of them have moved to Texas, too …

“It’s just a vicious cycle here.

“You hear so many stories of people getting killed. And so many of them have no opportunities. Once they get out of jail they can’t get a job. And then they feel like they have to rob people to take care of their children. It’s become a situation where people are trying to make a dollar out of 15 cents.

“I was very fortunate. I grew up in Uhlich Children’s Home and they put me through salon school. I graduated in 1999 and I’ve been working ever since …

“But I’m eventually going to move away from here. I have to wait because I don’t want my kids out of school for one minute, but hopefully I can keep my job here in the city and live in Indiana.”

Sylvia Davis
Chicago, Illinois

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