Rena Garrett

Rena Garrett

“I had three other kids that went to Chicago Public Schools. I really thought that my second daughter would go to high school, then go off to college. She stagnated in 11th grade and ended up having to go to alternative school because they didn’t have what she needed to make it through high school.”

“Looking at private schools was my first and only outlook for Courtney.”

“Private school for Courtney was way better than public school. He went from being this terrible little kid that would run through the hallway because the teachers would let him, to a leader. He helped the smaller kids get used to the private school environment and they just loved him. He’s going to be top of his class.”

“If it weren’t for the scholarship, he probably would have been home taught. Public school was just not an option for him.”

“I have thought about what would happen if the scholarships went away. It’s going to be a large burden on a lot of people, including myself. I pray that he gets to get the scholarship for the entire four years so he can stay on track.”

“I don’t believe these programs take away from anybody. Everybody had the opportunity to apply for the scholarships. And some of the lower-class African Americans really need a good education, a family of folks that’s going to fight for the kids. Not just forcing them to do homework but keep holding them accountable. I think private schools hold the kids accountable way more than public schools.”

“Think about our kids that may be less fortunate, whose families are single parent families who want their kids to have a great education. We need these fundings to continue as long as possible.”

Rena Garrett
Chicago, Illinois

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