Alex Perry

Alex Perry

“I can tell you with confidence that 100 percent of our clients think it’s the most ridiculous process they’ve ever gone through. It’s been four months and the project behind me still isn’t approved by the city. 

“I love everything about our shop. We’re proud of what we do. But the worst part of my job is permits. There are so many hoops you have to jump through for a small little sign. If you’re doing a Trump sign I understand. But if you’re doing a sign for a small business, all these costs put them at a significant disadvantage. If we tell a client we can’t do a sign without a permit, I know they are leaving to find a business that can. 

“My dad’s been painting signs for 40 years. You talk to any old-timer and they say it didn’t used to be like this.”

Alex Perry
Founder, Right Way Signs
Chicago, Illinois

Learn more about Chicago’s out-of-control sign bureaucracy.

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