Illinois’ comeback story starts here.

The Policy Shop: The crisis facing Chicago Public Schools

The Policy Shop: The crisis facing Chicago Public Schools

This edition of The Policy Shop is brought to you by Policy Analyst Hannah Schmid. Chicago Public Schools math and reading scores are some of the worst in the country. But there’s a little-known subset of schools that are suffering more than others. Empty, failing, forgotten. It’s hard to believe, but Chicago Public Schools is home...

Cook County property taxes rise most in suburbs

Cook County property taxes rise most in suburbs

While most Cook County residents have seen property taxes rise, the suburbs saw the biggest hikes during the past 20 years. Chicago homeowners and business owners are feeling less tax pain than their suburban peers.

By Josh Bandoch

The Policy Shop: How bad is Illinois’ pension problem?

The Policy Shop: How bad is Illinois’ pension problem?

This edition of The Policy Shop is brought to you by Director of Fiscal and Economic Research Bryce Hill. Three years ago, Illinois state lawmakers wrote to Washington, D.C., asking for a favor. Nothing major. Just $40 billion. A cool $10 billion to bail out state and local public pensions, plus extra to prop up...