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The Policy Shop: How bad public education keeps people poor

The Policy Shop: How bad public education keeps people poor

This edition of The Policy Shop is by policy analyst Hannah Schmid. Third grade is a critical point in a child’s education. Their futures are often locked in by their ability to read at the end of that year. The chances of graduating high school can be predicted at that point. Their future earnings as adults may...

Symara Moses

Symara Moses

“We struggled with public schools; the curriculums and most schools not having the resources that the arts can bring to children. Her being able to attend the academy has been life changing and I see her growth every single week. Something new that she’s learning, something that she’s picking up from faculty, staff, other students and just her confidence.”

Traci Crosby

Traci Crosby

"There’s a public school, but it wasn’t the same as CAA. There, she was connected instantly. If this scholarship program ends, that’s just something we have to be prepared for.”