Illinois’ comeback story starts here.

What you need to know about ‘Bring Chicago Home’

What you need to know about ‘Bring Chicago Home’

Chicago’s March 19 primary election includes Mayor Brandon Johnson’s real estate transfer tax hike to raise $100 million, dubbed “Bring Chicago Home.” Will higher taxes without a plan help homeless Chicagoans or hurt their job prospects?

By Dylan Sharkey

The Policy Shop: The Chicago Teachers Union’s new tax-grabbing power play

The Policy Shop: The Chicago Teachers Union’s new tax-grabbing power play

This edition of The Policy Shop is by Mailee Smith, senior director of labor policy and staff attorney. The Chicago Teachers Union doesn’t make an investment unless it’s going to pay off. They and their affiliates put $2.5 million into their lobbyist’s campaign to get him elected Chicago mayor. The same folks spent $1.5 million to ensure private school...

Read all the Chicago Teachers Union’s contract demands

Read all the Chicago Teachers Union’s contract demands

The Chicago Teachers Union's lengthy list of demands includes base raises and experience compensation each year, housing help, climate justice, more compensation added to pension calculations and a pool of health care funds targeted to racial disparities.