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House passes potentially unconstitutional homeschool regulations out of committee

House Bill 2827 aims to regulate homeschooling and private schooling in Illinois

Poll: Voters split on Gov. Pritzker

Illinois Policy Institute poll results show high taxes remain a top concern for voters

Madigan guilty, but the jury’s still out for ethics reform in Illinois

Illinois Policy Institute research shows the policies that allowed former House Speaker Madigan’s 36-year reign have yet to be dismantled

‘Illinois Forward 2026’ can balance state budget permanently, save taxpayers nearly $26.7B by 2030

A spending cap, school district efficiency, pension reform and right-sizing government health care costs could permanently balance Illinois’ budget. The alternative is big deficits.

Lincoln Poll: Just 14% of Chicagoans have favorable view of Mayor Johnson

More than 3 in 5 Chicago voters disapprove of Chicago Teachers Union amidst contract negotiations

7 steps to improve Illinois’ social mobility rating

Illinois could be in the top 10 states for social mobility instead of the bottom 40 with fairer licensing, less taxation and more educational opportunities

Illinois lacks reforms to prevent a Madigan repeat: Statement from the Illinois Policy Institute

Today, the legal team for Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan wrapped its defense against his federal corruption charges, which include bribery, wire fraud and conspiracy.

Chicago’s granny flat policies halt affordable housing, discriminate against South, West sides

The Illinois Policy Institute found only 6.5% of permits for new additional dwelling units have been granted in the West, South and Southeast zones since 2020