June 15, 2023

Most of those leaving the state are prime working ages and their dependents


CONTACT: Melanie Krakauer (312) 607-4977

Who’s leaving Illinois? Illinoisans of everyage, income
Most of those leaving the state are prime working ages and their dependents

CHICAGO (June 15, 2023) – Recent data from the Internal Revenue Service underscored a troubling reality for Illinois: more residents moved away from the state than into the state across every age and income group.

According to an analysis from the Illinois Policy Institute, the majority of those who moved out of the state in 2021 were prime working-age adults aged 26 to 54 and those earning more than $100,000 a year.

“The outmigration trend demonstrates the dissatisfaction among Illinoisans of all financial backgrounds. This isn’t just high school graduates leaving for college or retirees leaving for warm weather. It is record numbers of everyone leaving – especially those who contribute to the workforce,” said Bryce Hill, director of fiscal and economic research at the Illinois Policy Institute. 

Overall, those who left the state between 2020 and 2021 experienced 23% higher growth in income than those who moved into the state. That indicates leaving Illinois offered better financial returns than moving here.

“The only way to reverse the trend of outmigration is to make the state more affordable and attractive," Hill said. "Illinois needs reforms aimed at easing the tax burden on residents and reducing burdensome business regulations.”

To read more about those leaving, visit illin.is/leaving.

For interviews or interviews, contact media@illinoispolicy.org or (312) 607-4977.