April 9, 2024

Matt Paprocki testified for work requirements for welfare


CONTACT: Micky Horstman (312) 607-4977

Illinois Policy Institute offers solutions to poverty at congressional hearing
Matt Paprocki testified for work requirements for welfare

CHICAGO (April 9, 2024) – The dignity of work offers a profound pathway to success. That was the key message delivered today by Matt Paprocki, president of the Illinois Policy Institute, during a field hearing held by the U.S. House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee’s Subcommittee on Work and Welfare.

According to the Illinois Policy Institute’s Center for Poverty Solutions, just over 2% of Chicagoans with full-time employment experience poverty; however, too many barriers and government assistance programs prevent individuals from entering the workforce full-time.

Paprocki discussed strategies for reducing poverty that Congress could implement to uplift impoverished individuals and help them obtain meaningful employment.

Poverty reduction strategies:

  • End the benefits cliff. The archaic benefits systems leave people with impossible choices: provide for their family at a job or reduce work activities and receive greater benefits from government assistance.
  • Expand tax credits for apprenticeships. The average income of someone after an apprenticeship is $77,000.
  • Institute work requirements with welfare benefits. In 1996, Congress passed similar, successful bi-partisan reforms which increased work and decreased dependence.

“Today’s poverty crisis isn’t just about food and housing insecurity – it’s a problem of hopelessness and despair. Meaningful work can fix both,” said Matt Paprocki, president of the Illinois Policy Institute and The Center for Poverty Solutions. “It’s time to consider a new approach. Rather than spending on programs that too often end up ensnaring the people they aim to help, a better way is to embrace bi-partisan, effective solutions to reducing poverty, starting with a renewed emphasis on work. When individuals become separated from meaningful work and are no longer earning their own incomes, their dignity takes a hit and American society suffers. Lawmakers can make meaningful strides for reducing poverty nationwide by eliminating barriers to work.”

To read Paprocki’s submitted testimony visit, illin.is/congresshearing

For bookings or interviews, contact media@illinoispolicy.org or (312) 607-4977