Money grab: Progressive income tax

Money grab: Progressive income tax

Progressive Income Tax: Money grab disguised as tax reform The same forces that helped Quinn land the governorship in 2010 and raise income taxes in 2011 are laying the groundwork for a progressive tax initiative. They want to make the temporary 2011 tax hike permanent and tax certain individuals at ever-higher marginal rates. Proponents of...


Progressive Income Tax: Money grab disguised as tax reform
The same forces that helped Quinn land the governorship in 2010 and raise income taxes in 2011 are laying the groundwork for a progressive tax initiative. They want to make the temporary 2011 tax hike permanent and tax certain individuals at ever-higher marginal rates.

Proponents of progressive tax say rates can be decided later
State Rep. Naomi Jakobsson, D-Urbana, proposed to implement another income tax hike in Illinois. But the current proposal doesn’t include any numbers.

Illinois needs a strict spending limit
Illinois per capita spending has grown 3X faster than inflation over past 20 years

Taxpayers feel the pinch, as Illinois spends
Illinois revenues have never been higher in the Land of Lincoln

Illinois’ balanced budget rule not worth the paper it’s written on
Illinois has fulfilled the constitutional requirement to balance the budget without actually having a balanced budget every year since 2002.

2013 budget projections show Quinn’s true colors
The report concludes with the Quinn administration hinting at the “need” for more tax increases.

Businesses could face higher rates with progressive tax
Proponents of a progressive personal income tax want to increase revenue for the state.

Two-year anniversary of 2011 tax hike nothing to celebrate
$0.80 of every tax hike dollar went to pay government worker pensions in 2012.

Illinois’ high-tax environment causes historical out-migration
Illinois out migration ranking was #1 in the year of the massive 2011 income tax hike, and #2 in 2012.

The next two years in Illinois
Neither Illinois Senate President John Cullerton nor House Speaker Mike Madigan will have a Republican boogeyman to point to when they speak to interest groups or members of their own caucuses.

The progressive income tax: unfair, unstable, unresponsive and inefficient
Gov. Pat Quinn and many groups in Illinois are pushing for the state’s next multibillion dollar tax increase – a progressive income tax.

A taxing prediction
Rumors are swirling in Springfield that the Legislature may vote on whether to make the temporary 67 percent income tax hike permanent.

Can Illinois afford another income tax hike?
A progressive income tax would increase the tax bill for Illinois’ middle class. It would destroy jobs and prevent the entrepreneurial activity that Illinois desperately needs.

Progressive income tax: Brought to you by Illinois unions
A coalition of progressive groups is beginning to coalesce around a proposal to create a progressive income tax in Illinois.



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