How many new businesses does your Illinois county have?

How many new businesses does your Illinois county have?

New business applications in Illinois are up 47% compared to pre-pandemic numbers in 2019, but what does growth in your county look like?

You may have noticed a new business in your town, but how do new business openings near you stack up against the rest of the state? Search for your county below to see.

From 2019 to 2023, business applications in Illinois rose by 47.5%. Most Illinois counties also saw a significant increase in business applications since 2019, according to recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

The post-COVID increase is encouraging, but recent figures show a slowdown. In 2023, total business applications increased by only 2% compared to 2022. Since peaking in 2021, Illinois has seen a 15% decline in total business applications through 2023.

In Cook County, business applications rose by 40.9% since 2019. However, the numbers for 2022 and 2023 are lower than 2020 and 2021, marking two consecutive years of stagnation. This trend has been the same for many Illinois counties.

While the initial post-COVID rebound was strong, Illinois has struggled to maintain this growth.

A major factor could be Illinois imposing the second-highest corporate income tax in the country, creating a challenging environment for businesses. Illinois also ranked first in the nation for the combined state and local tax burden imposed on residents.

Illinois needs to reevaluate its tax policies and consider measures that could ease the burden on businesses and workers.

Reducing corporate taxes and streamlining regulatory processes could help restore the state’s appeal as a business-friendly destination.

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