Former Ald. Ed Burke sentenced to 2 years for racketeering, bribery

Former Ald. Ed Burke sentenced to 2 years for racketeering, bribery

Former Chicago Ald. Ed Burke, once the longest-serving member of the city council, was sentenced to two years in prison and pay a $2 million fine.

Former Chicago Ald. Ed Burke was sentenced to two years in federal prison with a $2 million fine after a 13-count conviction of racketeering and bribery.

Prosecutors wanted 10 years, Burke’s lawyers wanted none. His career spanned more than 50 years in City Hall. U.S. District Judge Virginia Kendall said the fine will go to crime victims.

“I think that really does send a message, if you want to commit public corruption by being greedy, then the disgorgement of your own funds will go toward the people,” she said.

Burke used his position as alderman to pressure businesses into using his property tax law firm. On one occasion, he attempted to “shake down” a Burger King in his ward after they decided to not use his firm.

Attorneys spent hours trying to calculate the cost of Burke’s corruption. The total of Burke’s schemes amounted to nearly $830,000. Corruption can cost the economy millions. From 2000-2018, corruption cost Illinois an estimated $556 million annually in terms of lost investment.

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