
Open Letter to the Union Organizing Committee at UNO Schools

Open Letter to the Union Organizing Committee at UNO Schools

Dear Sirs and Madames, Your concerns about my communications with United Neighborhood Organization charter school teachers are duly noted. However, since you are not, as yet, certified as the collective bargaining representative of UNO charter teachers, it is presumptuous of you to speak on their behalf at this time. Therefore, I will continue to contact...



With union organizers actively pursuing the unionization of United Neighborhood Organization, or UNO, charter schools, it is extremely important that teachers understand how the process works. You have the right to support a union; and you have the right

Will teachers at UNO at least get a secret-ballot vote?

Will teachers at UNO at least get a secret-ballot vote?

Under the agreement, union organizers would be allowed to make their pitch for unionizing to teachers on school property, and would even be given personal information for teachers.

Mead on labor reform: are we heading for a ‘Blue Civil War’?

Mead on labor reform: are we heading for a ‘Blue Civil War’?

There is precedent for fratricide between unions and their progressive allies, and the aftermath of a labor-versus-the-left donnybrook could very well create an opportunity for a free market oriented reformer.

The battle for Right to Work is a marathon, not a sprint

The battle for Right to Work is a marathon, not a sprint

Labor unions have a virtual lock on Illinois politics. Unionized government delivers services ever-less efficiently in rough proportion to its ever-increasing size.

Citizens deserve a seat in the room — it’s time to require open meetings for collective bargaining

Citizens deserve a seat in the room — it’s time to require open meetings for collective bargaining

On February 28, 2013, Illinois’ largest government union, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 31, which represents nearly 40,000 state employees, completed months of negotiations with state government over a new contract, yet taxpayers were locked out of the bargaining room during all of them. Since that time, taxpayers are still waiting to...

By Chris Andriesen

Collective bargaining transparency bill HB 2689 shot down in House Committee

Collective bargaining transparency bill HB 2689 shot down in House Committee

Yesterday a bill that would allow the public to see union contracts and comment on them before they are signed stalled in committee, becoming yet another victim of pressure from union officials who want to keep the public in the dark about the deals they make. The bill actually had both supporters and opponents from...

By Paul Kersey

New details of AFSCME contract emerge, painting a troubling picture of overly generous benefits

New details of AFSCME contract emerge, painting a troubling picture of overly generous benefits

The more you know about the recent contract between the state and Council 31 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the less there is to like. While the final contract itself remains out of public view, a description put together by AFSCME for its members reveals troubling details. It appears that...

By Paul Kersey

Under Quinn’s deal with AFSCME, taxpayers still pay 95 percent of retirees’ health insurance costs

Under Quinn’s deal with AFSCME, taxpayers still pay 95 percent of retirees’ health insurance costs

For years, retired state government workers have contributed little or nothing toward the cost of their health insurance premiums. This sweetheart deal costs Illinois taxpayers roughly $1 billion a year, with costs continuing to climb year after year. The state’s unfunded liability for retiree health insurance is more than $54 billion. Lawmakers decided to do...

By Jonathan Ingram