
3 things Illinoisans should know about the AFSCME contract delay

3 things Illinoisans should know about the AFSCME contract delay

The Illinois Labor Relations Board on July 7 denied Gov. Bruce Rauner’s request to expedite contract-negotiation impasse proceedings between the state and AFSCME. Thus, impasse proceedings continue to drag on, giving the union more time to prepare for a potential strike, costing state taxpayers an additional $35 million to $40 million per month in AFSCME worker health benefits, and impeding progress on reining in the state’s out-of-control spending.

By Mailee Smith

Illinois’ AFSCME contract needs a reality check

Illinois’ AFSCME contract needs a reality check

AFSCME is demanding pay hikes, better health care coverage and pension benefits over a new, four-year contract, which would cost state taxpayers $3 billion more than what the state is offering.

By Austin Berg

Governor asks to fast-track AFSCME impasse decision

Governor asks to fast-track AFSCME impasse decision

The governor’s office has asked the Illinois Labor Relations Board to allow the impasse proceedings between the state and AFSCME to go straight to the five-member labor board instead of first waiting for a decision from the administrative law judge.

By Mailee Smith

Palatine school-district contract a case study in how closed-door, government-union deals hurt taxpayers

Palatine school-district contract a case study in how closed-door, government-union deals hurt taxpayers

Palatine-area Community Consolidated School District 15 posted its 10-year contract with its teachers union more than a month after it had been signed, ensuring that potentially harmful contract provisions can only come to light after it is too late for students, parents and taxpayers to do anything about it.

By Mailee Smith

AFSCME analysis FAQ: Illinois state workers highest-paid in nation

AFSCME analysis FAQ: Illinois state workers highest-paid in nation

Illinois AFSCME workers enjoy yearly wages of nearly $60,000 when adjusted for cost of living, in addition to Cadillac health care benefits. Most Illinois state workers will also get free health insurance when they retire, and career state retirees receive $1.6 million in pension benefits on average.

By Ted Dabrowski, John Klingner

HB 580 fails: Illinois House Democrats lacked votes to override Rauner’s veto of union arbitration bill

HB 580 fails: Illinois House Democrats lacked votes to override Rauner’s veto of union arbitration bill

Illinois House Democrats failed to muster the 71 votes needed to override Gov. Bruce Rauner’s veto of HB 580, which would have allowed government-worker unions to remove the governor from labor contract negotiations and replace him with a panel of unelected arbitrators.

By Heather Weiner