
John Moss

John Moss

“I moved here about seven and a half years ago and got a job at the health department. I had never been in a union before. They said ‘OK, well now that you work here, you have to be in the union.’ “The first union meeting I went to I was voted in as president....

How to make an extra $3 billion, the Illinois way

How to make an extra $3 billion, the Illinois way

AFSCME – the largest government worker union in the state – may pull off one of the most insulting waiting games in state history. The payoff? More than $3 billion, courtesy of Illinois taxpayers.

By Austin Berg

AFSCME funnels union dues to Mike Madigan

AFSCME funnels union dues to Mike Madigan

State records show AFSCME Council 31 funnels membership dues into its political action committee, which just gave a record-breaking $767,800 donation to Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan.

By Mailee Smith

New Jersey school district stops deducting unconstitutional union fees from all employees

New Jersey school district stops deducting unconstitutional union fees from all employees

One school district in New Jersey has stopped deducting union dues and fees until it has new authorizations from employees to do so – a step in line with what the U.S. Supreme Court demanded of state and local government employers and government unions in Janus v. AFSCME. Illinois governments should follow suit.

By Mailee Smith