Jobs + Growth

Rauner ends tax breaks for companies that create no new jobs

Rauner ends tax breaks for companies that create no new jobs

Gov. Bruce Rauner announced plans to restrict tax breaks for companies for retaining existing employees – putting an end to excessive tax credits that have cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.

Wage difference: Illinois is a hub for white-collar jobs, but blue-collar workers are better off in Indiana

Wage difference: Illinois is a hub for white-collar jobs, but blue-collar workers are better off in Indiana

Recent federal jobs data show that white-collar professionals are more numerous and earn more money in Illinois than in Indiana, but that Indiana, a Right-to-Work state, has more and better-paying jobs for blue-collar workers than does Illinois, which has forced unionization.

By Michael Lucci

Illinois taxes are not low when entire picture is seen

Illinois taxes are not low when entire picture is seen

In her recent opinion piece, Innovation Illinois’ Elizabeth Austin misrepresented the facts in order to claim Illinoisans don’t pay high taxes: “My View: Illinois OK when right tax info is compared.” As the state budget battle wages on, it’s important for taxpayers to be armed with accurate information. Austin claimed that so far in the...

By Michael Lucci