Jobs + Growth

Bill regulating school buses heads to Rauner’s desk

Bill regulating school buses heads to Rauner’s desk

House Bill 3293, which would force any person or group that is not a school district, religious organization or transportation company, but that possesses a school bus, to change the appearance of the school bus, passed the Illinois General Assembly on the last day of spring session.

By Brendan Bakala

Illinois remains uncompetitive after 2011 workers’ compensation changes

Illinois remains uncompetitive after 2011 workers’ compensation changes

Illinois’ workers’ compensation system costs taxpayers $1 billion per year, and employers repeatedly cite hefty workers’ compensation costs as a driving factor in fleeing the state for friendlier business climates. High workers’ compensation costs most directly affect labor-intensive blue-collar employment sectors – which have struggled to regain their footing in Illinois since the Great Recession. Despite mounting evidence that workers’ compensation...

By Michael Lucci