Good Government

Who is running for judge in Illinois in 2024?

Who is running for judge in Illinois in 2024?

On Nov. 5 Illinoisans will vote to elect two Illinois Supreme Court justices and nine appellate court justices, and whether to retain four sitting appellate court justices.

By Joe Tabor

Cómo me registro para votar en Illinois?

Cómo me registro para votar en Illinois?

Registrarse para votar en Illinois puede ser confuso. Aquí está lo que necesitas saber para asegurarte de que tu voz sea escuchada este Día de las Elecciones.

How do I vote early in Illinois?

How do I vote early in Illinois?

Illinois has made it easier to register to vote, but finding your in-person voting place before Election Day can be a headache. Here’s a breakdown to make it easier.

By Patrick Andriesen