Illinois’ comeback story starts here.

Illinois Corruption Watch: October 2015

Illinois Corruption Watch: October 2015

October saw a former Chicago Public Schools CEO plead guilty to wire fraud and several other instances of criminal charges and civil lawsuits against public officials, as well as crony deals between businesses and government.

Illinois taxes are not low when entire picture is seen

Illinois taxes are not low when entire picture is seen

In her recent opinion piece, Innovation Illinois’ Elizabeth Austin misrepresented the facts in order to claim Illinoisans don’t pay high taxes: “My View: Illinois OK when right tax info is compared.” As the state budget battle wages on, it’s important for taxpayers to be armed with accurate information. Austin claimed that so far in the...

By Michael Lucci

Michigan curtails civil asset forfeiture

Michigan curtails civil asset forfeiture

Under civil asset forfeiture laws in Illinois and across the country, law enforcement can seize property without proving it was involved in a crime. Illinois should follow Michigan’s lead and reform these unjust laws.

By Bryant Jackson-Green