Illinois’ comeback story starts here.

Susan Trieschmann

Susan Trieschmann

“… After I sold my catering business I was going to meetings with young offenders here in Evanston. At every single meeting I heard kids say they wouldn’t have done what they did if they had a job. And I was sick of hearing that story over and over again without having anywhere to send...

Daniel McClure

Daniel McClure

“I’m 96 years old. Would you believe it? “This will tell you how old I am: I was one of the first black machinists in Chicago … I mopped floors at a canning company, and the owner’s son was a really nice guy. He taught me how to use a drill press in secret. No...

Chicago teachers highest paid among nation’s 50 largest school districts

Chicago teachers highest paid among nation’s 50 largest school districts

Among the U.S.’ 50 largest school districts, CPS teachers’ pay ranks No. 1 for teachers with a bachelor’s degree and five years’ experience, No. 2 for first-year teachers with a bachelor’s degree, and No. 3 for first-year teachers with a master’s degree.

By Amy Korte