Enrollment barely rises at Chicago Public Schools amidst 12% increase in English Learners

Enrollment barely rises at Chicago Public Schools amidst 12% increase in English Learners

Preliminary enrollment data for the 2024-2025 school year show a less than 1% uptick in enrollment. The biggest increase is in English Learners.

Despite the modest increase, this year’s preliminary data indicates a potential shift in Chicago’s decade-long enrollment decline to establish a new trend of rising enrollment. This is the second year in a row CPS has recorded enrollment growth after the district experienced 11 years of enrollment declines from 2011 to 2022.

The Chicago Board of Education reported the preliminary data for enrollment on the 15th day of the current 2024-2025 school year during the school board meeting on Sept. 26. The official 20th day enrollment data is expected next week.

The data shows the number of Hispanic students has increased by 1.6% while the number of students learning to speak English in CPS increased by 12.4%.

Black student enrollment declined by 1.3% in a continuation of last year’s enrollment trends which saw the largest drop – and largest change overall – come from Black students.

The district also released preliminary attendance data through the 15th day of school showing overall attendance has slightly increased. Attendance has risen among every racial group in CPS, but Black and Hispanic students continue to record the lowest attendance rates at 91.9% for Black students and 92.3% for Hispanic students.

The preliminary data showing modest improvement in enrollment and attendance is hopeful for Chicago families. But if the district hopes to establish a new trend of rising enrollment and attendance, district leaders must reverse CPS’ harmful trend of worsening student proficiency.

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