Pritzker ‘fair tax’ could hike taxes on typical Highland Park family by up to $3,800

Pritzker ‘fair tax’ could hike taxes on typical Highland Park family by up to $3,800

Middle-income families in Highland Park would see a massive tax hike under the “fair tax” models praised by Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker.

A proposed overhaul of Illinois’ flat income tax could mean a $3,800 tax hike for the typical family in the Cook County city of Highland Park.

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker wants to scrap the state’s constitutionally protected flat tax in favor of a graduated, or “fair,” tax structure. What would that system look like? In his Feb. 20 budget address, Pritzker pointed to Iowa and Wisconsin’s tiered income tax rates as models for Illinois. While Pritzker has framed this system as a “tax on the rich,” middle-income Highland Park families would get hit with tax hikes under both models.

The state income tax would increase by $1,713 on the median Highland Park family with two children earning $169,816 if Illinois adopted Wisconsin’s rates. The hike would be $3,828 if Illinois adopted Iowa’s rates. That median family in Highland Park could see a state tax increase of 21 percent or 48 percent under the systems Pritzker admires.

Find out how much the progressive tax will cost you

Flat Tax
You would pay $0 in Wisconsin and $0 in Iowa,
compared to our flat tax.
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family size above


Highland Park residents could see large increases after Illinois’ leaders decide what taxation is “fair.” In 2017 those leaders decided it would be fair for all Illinoisans to shoulder the largest permanent income tax hike in state history, which came after they in 2011 decided it would be fair to impose a record income tax hike.

Pritzker said in his budget address that Illinois “can accomplish” a progressive income tax with “a more competitive rate structure than Wisconsin and Iowa.” But his meaning is unclear: A recent Tax Foundation study recommended that Wisconsin make its tax code more competitive by replacing its progressive income tax structure with a flat tax. Both North Carolina and Kentucky have swapped their states’ progressive income taxes for a flat tax in recent years. Connecticut is the only state in the past 30 years to add a progressive tax and it seriously damaged their middle class, job market and poverty rates.

State lawmakers should check the dictionary before imposing their own definition of “fair” on Highland Park families. They also should grab a calculator. Few Highland Park families would consider it “fair” to hand the state an extra $3,800.

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