Union Dues – Where do they go?

Union Dues – Where do they go?

by Kate Piercy A lot of money comes out of union members’ pockets for dues, but how many union members know exactly what those dues are going towards? Are union bosses representing workers’ best interests? Spending reports suggest otherwise, says the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and “As union workers struggle to make their paychecks cover household costs,...

by Kate Piercy

A lot of money comes out of union members’ pockets for dues, but how many union members know exactly what those dues are going towards?

Are union bosses representing workers’ best interests? Spending reports suggest otherwise, says the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and “As union workers struggle to make their paychecks cover household costs, their union dues are being funneled to Washington.”

In this video, the Competitive Enterprise Institute asks union members, “Do you know where your dues go?”

Good question.

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