Institute on ABC 7 News: Contract talks between CTU and CPS

Institute on ABC 7 News: Contract talks between CTU and CPS

CPS will be draining cash reserves this year just to stay afloat, and will be $1 billion in the red next school year. The 30 percent raise CTU originally asked for is out of the question.

Illinois Policy Institute CEO John Tillman offered his commentary on the Chicago Teachers Union strike on ABC 7.

The fiscal reality is that Chicago Public Schools are broke. CPS will be draining cash reserves this year just to stay afloat, and will be $1 billion in the red next school year. The 30 percent raise CTU originally asked for is out of the question, and so are other double-digit raises that CTU has demanded. Average teacher pay in Chicago is already at $71,000 without benefits, while the average Chicagoan makes only $30,203 and the unemployment rate in the city is nearly 11 percent.

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